This is the kitty I had my heart set on, Saki, but he was already adopted by the time I inquired about him. So sad...
Another kitty will come along, I'm sure...
I will name him Kashmir. Kashi for short.
here, kitty kashi...
Posted by B. Lee at 7:08 PM 0 comments
e.e., blessings
e.e.cummings &, N, &: SEVEN POEMS, VII
who knows if the moon's
a balloon,coming out of a keen city
in the sky--filled with pretty people?
(and if you and i should
get into it,if they
should take me and take you into their balloon,
why then
we'd go up higher with all the pretty people
than houses and steeples and clouds:
go sailing
away and away sailing into a keen
city which nobody's ever visited,where
Spring)and everyone's
in love and flowers pick themselves
Posted by B. Lee at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Found a 1952 Edition of Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: As translated by Edward Fitzgerald. It has a quite stunning hardback cover. They don't make them like this anymore, you know?
Posted by B. Lee at 7:26 PM 0 comments
my lastest collage
This is the latest collage that I made. This was created with the intention of my hubby finding a fulfilling job. The day after I finished it, he was hired on to a new job! so far, so good.
Posted by B. Lee at 10:42 AM 1 comments
"Sailing on a Sea of Words"
I created this one rather quickly in the Summer of 2006. The intention was to give flight to my writing...
Posted by B. Lee at 10:40 AM 1 comments
"Harmonious Home"
I created this one in April 2006. It was a hard adjustment, moving again. I had the intention of creating a harmonious home and getting back into the groove with ourselves and routines as a family, giving us the best wishes for being happy.
Posted by B. Lee at 10:37 AM 1 comments
I also created this one in january 2006. I was missing the Sunshine State. Soon after the creation of this collage, it was decided that we were going to move back to Florida. Pennsylvania wasn't working out; we missed the tropical climate.
Posted by B. Lee at 10:34 AM 0 comments
"New Year"
I made this collage in January 2006 with the intention of having a better relationship with money and using it more wisely...
Posted by B. Lee at 10:31 AM 0 comments
poetry library
you can access my poetry library by clicking on the link above...
a cup of hot tea would be nice. hookah?
Posted by B. Lee at 4:29 PM 0 comments
nothing relevant,
lacking propensity...
forward momentum rewind.
unexpected events
unretained in memoirs.
no words to explain
unattained enlightenment.
hard to see through sullen shadows.
evading deepthought for fear of drowning.
morning sip of coffee
run run run
no physicality involved.
the world revolving
and here i stand
still as
snailmail evolution.
unable, as of late,
to obtain placidity.
Posted by B. Lee at 5:32 PM 8 comments
Surprise! Today is our 4 year wedding anniversary...and what do we get?? My husband gets laid off. We were starting to do so well with me going back to work after being off for two years with the baby. She just started getting used to daycare, and she loves it there... Now, I have to pull her out because we can't afford it and Daddy will be home to watch her, but still...it's not a stable situation... The world is spiraling down now...
Posted by B. Lee at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Oh my god, this link is wild....
Posted by B. Lee at 6:21 PM 1 comments
underneath language...
एतदपि गमिष्यति
this too shall pass
Posted by B. Lee at 6:50 PM 0 comments
i could see the squirrels, and they were merry
Went to the Miami Museum of Science and saw Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here and Led Zeppelin. A feast for the eyes and mind and Soul.
Today, my Birthday, we saw Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest. It was a fun ride. Also, a feast for the eyes...
Posted by B. Lee at 6:38 PM 0 comments
spring has sprung
...southern sojourn... by B. Lee:
It is I,
my one of a kind
pieces of me,
i am fragmented paragraphs
i am upside-down sentences
and an unanswered question mark.
i am gathering moss,
wondering what it would be like
to be a rolling stone.
this once annually rocker chick
losing my original identity -
transformed into Mother Gaia.
wings slipping through the wind
air-dancing replaced with brick-laid walkways,
feet forced to touch the ground.
i AM an ethereal Soul,
though hardly feather-light.
i will tiptoe to higher grounds,
explore what i have found:
fate in Ft. Lauderdale
Los Olas parasol
flame twirlers, belly dancers
hookahs humming & bubbling...
what wonderland have i walked into?
years of yearning,
have i at last, come Home?
I wish you all a harmonious Home,
thank you.
Posted by B. Lee at 6:43 PM 0 comments
for a while, it felt as if this Life was spiraling out of control. Things are settling nicely, though. Just so many life changes at once left my head spinning. It took me a minute to get back in the groove. I'm not going to claim to be completely steady on my feet just yet, but my head doesn't hurt so bad anymore. got a dose of sexual healing lastnight and i feel a lot better on the Homefront...i feel validated and loved.
Posted by B. Lee at 10:41 AM 0 comments
home sweet Home
beautiful birdsongs
tropical blooms; true colour
sky is blue again...
Posted by B. Lee at 9:22 AM 0 comments
hurray for no-longer moving day!!!
Thank the goodness of the Universe that moving day is done and over with. J and Jae have made it to Florida...
A few more days for me here in PA, but it will seem short.
I'm going to my Mother-in-love's house later today. Her birthday is tomorrow.
Life is good to me. I can't complain. I have wonderful friends that I was able to visit.
Shared sohbet with Alane.
Shared smoke with Autumn.
Shared champagne with Tasha to celebrate her return to the States and her relief from Army duties.
Saw my lovely Lily briefly, all too briefly, and her beautiful baby girl.
Saw Heather and had conversation over coffee.
I am stocked up for my Sim Social bar for a while.
It will hold me over in Florida until I can make new friends.
I will be seeing Robyn again which puts asmile on my face...
I am blessed.
Without Autumn, yesterday would have been a lot more stressful. She is an angel. An angel with good taste in music...
Anywho, I have a few more things to do before I leave here for Greenville.
Posted by B. Lee at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Zoo, Snow, and Smoke
Craziness at the Zoo. Not sure how long I'm going to stay when I get back into town. Being out here in the middle of nowhere is splendid. I might go home a few days early to finish my packing and enjoy my solitude. Drove home in a blizzard lastnight, reinforced my happiness in moving to Florida.
Having a difficult few weeks, but it will all slow down soon.
Posted by B. Lee at 7:35 AM 0 comments
to Grandma's House we go...
Bye bed
Bye daily lounge routine
Bye Books, beautifully bound books...
Bye Computer
Bye Mary Jane
Bye Naked Self walking around the house
Bye paintings on the wall
Bye Mountains
Bye Fairchance Park
Some of you, I'll see again soon. Others, well, we've had our fun...
Posted by B. Lee at 5:29 AM 0 comments
my day in a nutshell...
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep." ~Robert Frost
Posted by B. Lee at 6:48 PM 0 comments
am: cloudy; pm:sunny
Being without my Sun, I have a cloudy interior. This will make us cherish our moments more, though. We will be better off for it, but it is oh so hard...
I started the day feeling sorry for my self in my current situation. But then my truer Self steps in and all worries vaporize.
I took in the sights with my lense this afternoon,
We are surely leaving a beautiful landscape behind. I love the hills and valleys of PA. I wish I could take the countryside with me to the flat, swampy lands of FL.
But the ocean is good, too. Though I'm not fond of vast waters.
We also took a jaunt in the park...

Posted by B. Lee at 6:34 PM 0 comments
This is the second day of the start of a new lifestyle. I will be Solitary, save for constantly keeping pace with my daughter, for the next month. In an area where I know NoOne. I'm not too thrilled about it, but it is a prologue to a nice patch of Paradise.
Back to this:

Away from this...
So, In Light of Love:
Happy Valentine's Day
Posted by B. Lee at 4:25 PM 0 comments
I highly recommend checking out the Utne Reader magazine.
"Understanding the next evolution"
Posted by B. Lee at 10:38 AM 0 comments
another day...
i hear nova stirring in her crib. I have a few minutes left to my Self, so I'm making an entry. Pretty soon, paper will be obsolete and all we will have are .docs and blog entries. just a thought.
i'm trying to decided what to do with my day. I know laundry needs done and dishes ran, but i don't feel like it. I think I'll go to a store of some sort. I should go to the mall and get my wedding ring resized since I was finally able to pull it from my finger. I'm trying not to collect any more "things". I'm sick of being a constant consumer. I am intent upon creating a life of Simple Abundance for my family that I am now the matriarch of. I want to exist in the memories of others as a marvelous mother, most importantly in my daughter's memories of me.
Posted by B. Lee at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Mandala Project
Checking out the Mandala Project homepage. I'm really enjoying this latest phase. The last collage I did (i'll post a pic, soon) had many mandalas in it. And a lot of Sunshine!
Sunshine State, here I come...
I'm not sure how to handle my DH being gone away from us for so long. He'll be setting up his new job and our new rental home at the Cove. Then Nova and I will follow him down when he comes to move our worldy posessions. I'm trying to unload as much weight as possible. But I can't seem to part with any of my books or papers or crafty items. I feel these are useful for my Soul, so I keep them to use in the future. But as far as nic nacs, what's the point.
I agree with Daisy, it would be nice to be on a homestead and eat home made bread and hand grown veggies and such. This world is such a Matrix, I just don't see it happening. I think we Americans are just scared to have to invest Time into things. We fear so strongly of cutting our Time short on this Earth, but we spend so little time thinking or researching how we live now will effect our Grandchildren. What of their time? Will we have sucked up all of the ancient sunlight by then?
Posted by B. Lee at 7:10 PM 0 comments
just a thought...
we are rewarded not by
our cleverest rewordings,
but by the experiences
that make words uselss...
Posted by B. Lee at 9:05 AM 0 comments