

breathe deep...


another day...

i hear nova stirring in her crib. I have a few minutes left to my Self, so I'm making an entry. Pretty soon, paper will be obsolete and all we will have are .docs and blog entries. just a thought.

i'm trying to decided what to do with my day. I know laundry needs done and dishes ran, but i don't feel like it. I think I'll go to a store of some sort. I should go to the mall and get my wedding ring resized since I was finally able to pull it from my finger. I'm trying not to collect any more "things". I'm sick of being a constant consumer. I am intent upon creating a life of Simple Abundance for my family that I am now the matriarch of. I want to exist in the memories of others as a marvelous mother, most importantly in my daughter's memories of me.


Mandala Project

Checking out the Mandala Project homepage. I'm really enjoying this latest phase. The last collage I did (i'll post a pic, soon) had many mandalas in it. And a lot of Sunshine!

Sunshine State, here I come...

I'm not sure how to handle my DH being gone away from us for so long. He'll be setting up his new job and our new rental home at the Cove. Then Nova and I will follow him down when he comes to move our worldy posessions. I'm trying to unload as much weight as possible. But I can't seem to part with any of my books or papers or crafty items. I feel these are useful for my Soul, so I keep them to use in the future. But as far as nic nacs, what's the point.

I agree with Daisy, it would be nice to be on a homestead and eat home made bread and hand grown veggies and such. This world is such a Matrix, I just don't see it happening. I think we Americans are just scared to have to invest Time into things. We fear so strongly of cutting our Time short on this Earth, but we spend so little time thinking or researching how we live now will effect our Grandchildren. What of their time? Will we have sucked up all of the ancient sunlight by then?


just a thought...

we are rewarded not by
our cleverest rewordings,
but by the experiences
that make words uselss...





Return to Paris and palm trees?

Wow, it's been a minute...

How things have changed since becoming a mother nearly 17 months ago...I am a completely, and contentedly, a changed woman. Entirely JOY-full. Never knew the meaning of the word until my daughter appeared.

Speaking of which, she is napping, and I have such a large gap to fill of memories gloriously indescribable.

So, rather than reliving: i will begin from here. All has changed, and so stays the same.

B. Lee