
Mommy and Me

Cousin Nicole and Me

Point of View


Simple Complexity

I picked this book up at the library to bring home to my DH.

We have an ongoing debate about "simple complexity". He says it can't exist; that everything is complex. I say that simple complexity is indeed a reality and we go back and forth constantly with illustrative examples.

In the end, it is all a matter of perspective...

But, I was thrilled to bring this home to show him and say "HA!" and we both had a few smiles and then went on with our evening.


I love my job...

This is my view on my lunch break...can you taste the salt?


Discontinued and Unreachable Comfort Food...

just one josta,
a tastykake snak Peanut Butter bar,
banana yoohoo?
twix peanut butter,
snyder picadilly salt & vin...

I'd like a Pizza Joe's personal pizza, half spinach, half veggie. I'd pay $100 for someone to send me some. I'll warm it up in the microwave...

Here I am at my new desk at my new job.
I love walking to the beach at lunch time.
The on-site Chef makes delicious, complimentary lunches.
I've been sick all week but I'm trying not to let it show because I want to be here.


Be Good to Mother Earth: Win a Hummer!

One of my biggest pet peeves in this world is Hummers. They are unecessary and it's completely ridiculous to be driving around in one on this flat-Floridian terrain.

Trying to compensate for lack-thereof in other areas, imho.

So, eating my delicious abused-cow guts burger from Burger King,

My greasy treat was packaged in this "recycled" bag.

"Be Good to Mother Earth" I happily read, with tips on recycling and such. Then I turn the bag around and see they're giving a Hummer away as part of the "Indiana Jones" hype.

Talk about anti-productive...


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