
baby~tummy belly cast...

well, so far so good, as far as pregnancy goes. The baby moves alot. Jeremy's number one reaction when he sees the baby 'morph' my stomach is "Holy Cow!"

i forget that noone else sees/notices it as much as i do, so now it's no big thing to me, but i do seem to drift off at times, watching my stomach move and dreaming about holding the baby.

that's really my main Want right now, is to hold my baby.

and to know whether it's a boy or girl so i can say its name... :)

the nursery is ready to go, all it needs is a little baby to occupy it. my cat will have to give up her favourite 'bed' soon, the diaper changing table.

5 more's moving as slow as honey.

the baby weighs approx. 4 3/4 lbs. now. I'm measuring 34 inches. But i think i've grown since that last measurement. i go Monday for a pelvic exam. oh yay. the doc is going to check and make sure the babe is in position for delivery and all that.

I'm really torn between wanting to have a 'natural' childbirth, and what drugs i should take if i can't stand the pain. almost everyone is recommending an epidural, but i don't know if i'm comfortable with that. have any of you had experience with any other types of medication??

anywho, it's all good, i suppose. it's coming out either way. ;)

bethany and baby~tummy

got my bellycast done today. It was a miracle how it all worked out and is a really long story...short version: had no idea i would wake up this morning and get a belly cast done. The priginal "model" cancelled on the wonderful ladies doing a press release on the opening of their shop and they needed a pregnant lady right away (where are they when you need them??) so, i got a FREE cast done, and then it will be painted however i wish as soon as i know what i want painted on it. any suggestions??

compliments of

Mama & Me
Alane Jewel

Thank you!!!


::thinking on divinity::

i revere,
these shootingstars.
for i have had the portended priviledge
of touching their tails of intensity
as their light reflected upon me, momentarily,
but glows upon my skin incessantly.

i remain,
a radiant planet with rings
and strings,
maiden wings...

and the terra incognita is my wonderland,
my rite of caste.

i have found at last,
a liquidpeace to perceive
that i have fulfilled one of manifold meanings
for Being:
creating my magnum opus:

the genesis of the next genetic generation.

what more could an artist ask for?
what greater poetic work could exist?

it is this miracle-in-the-making
that holds the whispers of the Beginning.
a union of surpassing lovejoy,
the wonderment of amorous acts,
leading to the delicious divineness of One.

this new endeavor of
mother and mentor
has begun.


where's my pillow??

...this pregnancy deal is getting more difficult to bear as the days go on, and "it will only get worse before it gets better", a client informed me today. and "you're moving slower" an annoying co-worker said to me as i waddled down the hallway. No kidding. Thanks for regurgitating useless information to me, especially when i was already well aware. overhwelming sense of bitchiness is overcoming me, and all i really long to do is stretch my tired body out on my oversized, comfortable forest green couches and veg out in front of a movie. i don't care about dinner. I know Jeremy will ask me when i walk in the door, "what do you want to do about dinner?", and i will reply, "I don't care. I'm too tired to care."

i just want a massage...some lotion. a comfy t-shirt. my Rajha-cat purring on my lap. Is that so much for a girl to ask? maybe a fudgesicle??

muscle relaxers would be nice. or a kiss from Mary Jane. or a sip of an ice, cold beer. But, no. Alas, my body no longer is mine, and mine alone, to intoxicate and numb. i must feel every ache, every twitch the baby makes (which has been my most enjoyable aspect of pregnancy, but after a while - enough is enough. too much of a good thing is not a good thing). But at least my baby is strong.

2 and 1/2 months (11 weeks) to go,
it can't come quick enough...

where's my pillow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The tales you type with your fingertips inspire me to new heights.

I have been perplexed as of late, wondering when I reached my current plateau and how long I have been walking here. I have stories inside of me that have yet to be woven into a tapestry of words. It seems that I'm waiting for the right parchment to be placed on my table, or the perfect language to express the unexpressable...but after dreaming and waiting, i think it is time to learn to write on my forearms and inner thighs. Speak my words out loud so my baby~tummy can catch a glimpse of the wind that fills my sails.

I am a poet of simple complexities and, at times, contradictions. I want to smooth out my wrinkles in the silken stanzas, helping the simplicity shine through, so that even the passerby may understand for a moment the light that beams through my eyes.

The fireside was luminary and warm. Thank you kindly.